Get The Lead Out Of Your Hair Dye, Rules The FDA

Lead acetate can no longer be included in hair dye formulations, according to a ruling by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The new rule does not take effect until October 2019 but, significantly, it finishes the one remaining use of lead, a neurotoxin, in cosmetic products in the US.1 “In the nearly 40…

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10 Habits For Successful Goal Digging!

Success boils down to some strategic habits. If you want a successful life, check out these habits that most goal digging women follow…to great success!

We hear the word success and we each think of something different. But ultimately, success boils down to some strategic habits. Setting your own goals and then making sure you reach them, however you can, doesn’t happen overnight. You need to be devoted, dedicated and continually persevere. If you want a successful life, learn from…

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How To Survive The Holidays And Maintain Your Sanity!

How To Survive The Holidays And Maintain Your Sanity!

Holidays, for most of us, are a special time of year when we link up with friends and family, attend parties (or rather, endless parties!), share food and drinks (maybe too much at times! There goes that waist!) and exchange gifts. Unfortunately, some of this excitement can create undue stress. I overate! Is this the…

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California Becomes The First State To Ban Animal Testing. Totally!

California Becomes The First State To Ban Animal Testing. Totally!

From the beaches of SoCal to the red carpets of Hollywood to the natural beauty of northern California, the trend-setting state and MONAT, the global haircare brand that embodies modern nature, applaud this awesome, important and long-overdue event. On August 31, in a unanimous vote of 80 to 0, the California State Assembly passed a…

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You Need Your Zzzzz’s More Than You Know!

We all know that sleep makes you feel better (hug that comforter!) but its importance goes way beyond just boosting your mood or banishing under-eye circles. During sleep, your body is working to support healthy brain function and maintain your physical health. Not enough sleep on a regular basis can raise your risk for some…

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Playing In Nature Really Does Keep Kids Happier

Kids are tuned to their smart phone screens, their iPads, their videogames. It seems like a long gone era when kids raced around outside for the afternoon, being called into dinner by a Mom yelling their names throughout the neighboring lawns. But this transformation from playing outside actually has negative health effects. A small but…

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Exercise And Self Esteem Go Hand-In-Hand

Want to feel better and have more confidence? The guarantee to unlocking a happier life starts with exercise. It really does work. Substantial research shows that when you exercise, your brain starts to release all the “good” hormones—serotonin, endorphins, and dopamine. Together, the hormones will help you feel more relaxed, happier, and in less pain.…

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The Health and Beauty Benefits of Water

The Health and Beauty Benefits of Water

How many times have you heard that you should drink 8 glasses of water a day? It’s common knowledge but do we really know why we need to drink that much water? Listen up! Your body is mostly water and comprises about 60 percent of your body weight. According to the Mayo Clinic, water: Eliminates…

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