Let Freedom Ring With Fourth of July Styles!
Did you know that all of our premium haircare products are made in the United States? It’s a fact we take great pride in at MONAT, particularly as we welcome Independence Day! Developing our products close to home helps ensure that we maintain high-quality standards. This means that each of you—no matter where you are in the world—can effortlessly craft new styles.
Now is the perfect time to try a new look before heading out to this weekend’s festivities. Check out these four fun looks to add to your #MONATStyle with a few suggested American-made products to help create them! Happy 4th of July!
Top Knot Buns
Summer’s rising temperatures make top knot buns an ideal look. Not only are top knot buns stylish, but they’re also an easy way to keep your hair off your neck and shoulders and stay cool! We suggest this look whether you’re heading to brunch, a BBQ or even an evening party! Feel free to dress it up with a red, white and blue ribbon! ?

MONAT STUDIO ONE™ Refinish Control Hairspray

Perfect Ponytails
Ponytails aren’t just for trips to the gym. They’re fitting for everything from job interviews to date nights. So, they’re just the thing for July 4th, too! Our favorite thing about ponytails is that they’re easy to create…and just what you need when styling on-the-run before fun in the sun! Naturally, you’ll want to dress your perfect ponytail up with a festive bow!

Tousled Texturizing Mist

Half Up French Braids
Half Up French Braid is a new twist on a classic look! You’ll be ready for anything rocking this look that will last you all day long! We suggest using a good anti-frizz hairspray before heading out!

MONAT STUDIO ONE™ Strong Flexi-Hold Hairspray

Tuck and Cover
The tuck and cover is one of our favorite new looks! It’s a simple yet dignified look we think would be perfect for an evening of cocktail parties and fireworks. Best of all, the only thing you really need to complete the look is a headband to keep your hair in place while you enjoy your evening out! This look works best with day two hair, so freshening up with a good dry shampoo is a must!

MONAT STUDIO ONE THE CHAMP™ Conditioning Dry Shampoo

Do you think you’ll be trying out one of these looks this holiday weekend? Be sure to share your pics on social with #MONATStyle if you do!
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