Here’s 7 things you can do to make the New Year great!
Make Some Short-term Goals!
Everyone makes New Year’s resolutions…and then breaks them pretty quickly. We don’t want you to do that. Instead, set two or three goals that you can accomplish. Write them down by hand (that’s been proven to make more of an impact than typing) and then write what you need to do to achieve each goal, even it’s as simple as reconnecting with a few people. Text them, email them, call them? Be specific about what you need to do. You’ll feel soooo good when you can check off one of your goals!
Do a Spring Cleaning in January!
And do we mean cleaning! Turn everything upside down and get your residence sparkling and shiny clean. Purge, purge, purge! Donate what you haven’t worn in a year and other outdated items, even homegoods. This will, in turn, simplify your life. Then take some sage and get rid of any airborne bacteria. Amazing, a truly clean abode will make you feel really good about yourself.
While You’re At It, Do a Digital Cleanse Too!
Tackle that laptop with a vengenance! Too many emails coming in can truly be overwhelming so put a stop to it. Delete all those emails you’re not going to read anyway. Unsubscribe from newsletters and store announcements that you never read or go to. Then, declutter your email inbox. Organize your email inbox with folders and then move emails into the right ones. An organized computer will give you more peace of mind than you ever thought possible. And yes, a bottle of wine during this process will definitely make it go easier! That’s a tip from those who know! 😉
Focus on Yourself
What do you need to make yourself feel good? A long bath? A day at a spa? A hair makeover? Do what it takes to refresh yourself. And make sure your health is in tip-top shape. Schedule those doctor visits you’ve been putting off. Do you need to get that tooth crown? Would you feel better if you talked to a therapist? Holiday break is a great time to really throw yourself into yourself so you start the new work year on top of the world.
Stop Projecting the What If’s
We all do it. What if I don’t get a raise? What if I don’t get that job? What if someone steals the FedEx package with my new iPhone XS Max that I already paid for? The list of “what if’s” can go on and on. Halt! We’ve all heard about the self-fulfilling prophecy. Well, it’s true. Mentally rearrange your brain. If you think differently and more positively, you will create new mental pathways1 where positive thoughts will accumulate.
It’s Time—Get Rid of Toxic Relationships
If you involved in a relationship that today we call toxic, you’re going to be in a dysfunctional situation. And that will cause stress, like you don’t already know it. Take a hard look at your “close” friends and ask yourself if you give more than you receive? Are you always available to them but they aren’t for you? Do they subtly constantly call upon your good will without returning a favor? Mentally unhealthy relationships wear on you. Disengage yourself from them. That doesn’t mean you have to unfriend them on Facebook, which can send a troubling signal. Just stop getting notifications from them. They’ll fade away.

Contemplate About Your Highlights from 2018
You’re great, you know that, right? You achieved a lot of super accomplishments in the past year but you were in such a rush, you didn’t take time to really reflect on what they said about yourself. Do that now. Think back over each past month and really ponder what you did and how much you grew and how you became more self-aware and authentic. These traits really count in life and you deserve to know in your heart how much you count!
We hope 2019 brings you lots of joy, health, wealth and happiness. Here’s to our next adventure together!
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