MONAT joins the country in sorrow over the devastation from Hurricane Harvey. Many in the MONAT Family in Texas have been afflicted. Our hearts go out to those we know and all those we don’t know who are affected by this tragedy. But already we see that the crisis in Southeast Texas has united the country in support. Now is the time to serve in any way that you can.
As a company, MONAT will be supporting several efforts toward Hurricane Harvey relief. MONAT Global has made a donation of $10,000 to the Hurricane Harvey Relief Fund of Global Giving, the first and largest global crowdfunding community that connects nonprofits, donors, and companies with the tools, training, and one-on-one support needed to make the world a better place.
MONAT also is rallying its teams in the field to lend support as volunteers. We are encouraging everyone we can to help with donations, supplies and volunteerism.
Below are several articles with links that can tell you how to help in any way possible. Please, share the below information with everyone you know and encourage people to take action and donate their time. No matter how you help, you will be making a difference.
Share your Hurricane Harvey help efforts with us using #MONATGratitude so we can spread the word to motivate everyone to act NOW!

How to help Houston after Hurricane Harvey: Help by donating to these charities and emergency relief organizations.
Please be careful, though. Unfortunately, scams have emerged that take advantage of this disaster. Please don’t be fooled. You can help – just use caution.
Thank you for stepping up to help out our fellow countrymen. Your efforts will be a reward in themselves.