Random Acts of Kindness

Tomorrow, February 17, is Random Acts of Kindness Day, a time we celebrate doing selfless acts to either assist or cheer up people around us. There generally will be no reason other than to make others smile or be happier. And it’s random because there is no thought of receiving something in return. This behavior is the foundation of a healthy and joyful society, where people happily give of themselves to help another, with no personal agenda, and such an act is happily received.

So why don’t people act this way all the time? Typically, it chalks up to insecurities, low self-esteem, fear of being seen as weak, and plain old selfishness... the same reasons that stop people from being able to freely receive. If you feel unworthy then you may believe you have nothing to give or you may not trust why someone would be kind to you. When people feel uncomfortable with generosity it can make them get stuck in themselves and their issues.

But when we can appreciate the beauty of spontaneity and understand the importance of giving other people the opportunity to give to us, it takes us out of self-centeredness. It enables us to let go of focusing on self and to freely reach out to each other. We both can give and receive. Such egoless moments are truly exquisite.

What’s in it for me?

Random acts of kindness are essential to our well-being because they liberate us from self-obsession, selfishness and isolation. Many studies have revealed that being generous for the right reasons and with the right intentions gives more pleasure than receiving. Random acts of kindness, altruism and volunteerism are 100% natural and side effect-free “medicines” that help rewire our brains.

True generosity is giving without expectation, with no need to be repaid in any form. This is the most powerful act of generosity since it is unconditional, unattached and free to land wherever it will. Whether we give to our family, friends or to strangers, it is the same.

We may feel we have little to offer, but whether it is a few pennies or a whole bankroll, a cup of tea or a banquet is irrelevant—it is the act of giving itself that is important. As Mahatma Gandhi said, Almost anything we do will seem insignificant, but it is very important that we do it.

MONAT Global embraces random acts of kindness as part of its core values. Helping local communities across the country without any expectation of a return is deeply embedded in MONAT’s credo of life. Shouldn’t it be part of yours too?

Pay it forward with coffee or at a toll both.

Let someone go first or ahead of you at the grocery line. 

Help someone carry their shopping bags.

Compliment a stranger.

Strengthen the planet and yourself. A close relationship with nature boosts our mood and immune system.

Add litter collection to a casual stroll.

*The information in this blog was taken from multiple sources in the public domain.

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MONAT Global