Valentine’s Day is for Everyone

Valentine’s Day is around the corner. You can’t miss it. Hearts and red Valentine-shaped boxes of candy are everywhere. Advertisements of love and gift-giving between couples come at us from every corner. Stores fill their windows with “gifts of love.” It’s a hard time to be single…in the U.S.
This year, why not try a new approach? In some countries, Valentine’s Day is focused more on celebrating friendships than romantic relationships, making this holiday more inclusive… and fun!
In Finland, its 5.4 million inhabitants celebrate “Friend's Day”, which is more about remembering all friends and showing true camaraderie rather than focusing solely on romance.
In Guatemala, it is known as “Día del Amor y la Amistad” (Day of Love and Friendship) and many simply demonstrate their appreciation for their friends and peers.
So if you’re single and this day of the year makes you feel left out or sad, take a hint from other cultures!
Give your BFFs cards and flowers or take them out to dinner. Guys can get together and watch basketball or hockey. It doesn’t have to be a day meant only for couples; gather round with your friends… It can be whatever you make it, as long as you share the love!