We hear the word success and we each think of something different. But ultimately, success boils down to some strategic habits. Setting your own goals and then making sure you reach them, however you can, doesn’t happen overnight. You need to be devoted, dedicated and continually persevere. If you want a successful life, learn from others. Check out these habits that most goal digging women follow…to great success!
Develop A Distinct Personal Identity or Brand1
What do you want people to think of when they first meet you? What do you offer to others? What do you want your legacy to be? Just like companies do, develop a brand for yourself and then promote it where those that matter to you will see it: LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook…even at conferences or meetings!2 You want to hear people say the same thing when they talk about you…and this will get them talking!

Establish Goals
Successful women not only have goals, small and big. Meeting the small goals helps motivate goal diggers to work towards the bigger ones. The key is to follow through on them! As this becomes a habit, set bigger goals and a process for achieving them.
Make Sure Goals Are Part of a Plan
“A goal without a plan is just a wish.” This famous quote by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, French writer and pioneering aviator, couldn’t be more on point. A successful woman has a vision for herself and develops an action plan to achieve that vision. Then she regularly evaluates her progress, modifies her actions if necessary…and sets more goals.

Push Yourself
Take on new goals intellectually, physically or mentally. Then reach even higher. Always try to go the next step and achieve more.3 This is definitely what goal diggers do. They dig and dig…and keep on digging.
Prioritise Each Day
Success doesn’t come without work. Each day should have scheduled actions that get you to your goals. Goal diggers always know what their day next day will involve. And they always make sure to save time for destressing and relaxing.4
Keep On Learning
It’s a well-known axiom that knowledge is power. Ask any successful woman how she stays at the top of her game and she’ll tell you that she keeps educating herself…on business, on world affairs, on health, on her skills level…anything that is important to her success. Research, read and, above all, ask questions. You can never ask too many!
Be a Savvy Money Manager
It goes without saying that staying on top of your financial picture is critical to your success. A secure financial situation is a tremendous part of your success…and your life. This doesn’t mean earning a six-digit income; it means living within your means and managing your cash flow properly so you don’t find yourself in on-and-off dire circumstances.
Make De-Stressing Part of Your Life
Keeping stress under control is crucial to achieving success. Whatever helps you alleviate stress is what you should do regularly, whether it is meditation, going to the gym, yoga, journaling or even cooking. Making sure your stress doesn’t overtake you is integral to being a successful woman.5

Don’t Compete With Other Women
Successful women know that other women can help them achieve their success. A female support group lifts everyone up, can help you brainstorm new ideas and be there for your when the going gets tough.
Always Pay It Forward
The notion that ruthlessness is required to succeed has gone the way of the dial phone. A truly successful woman smiles, give back, helps others without expectation of something in return and is, above all, kind.
Are you a goal digger? Could you be one? Try it and see how wonderful it is to achieve your dreams!