Testimonials and “Before and After” Photo Guidelines
All testimonials and “before and after” photos must be truthful, transparent, supported and consistent with current MONAT product claims. To post “before and after” photos, Market Partners must do the following:
- Identify the person and if the person is a relative or immediate household member of MONAT independent Market Partner”;
- Share their genuine results;
- Clearly and conspicuously disclose how often and how long the MONAT products were used, (unless otherwise directed by Corporate materials) and whether any other products or treatments contributed to the results;
- Clearly and conspicuously disclose the name of the MONAT product(s) used.
- The “before and after” photos must be taken under the same conditions and touch-ups and photo editing are not permitted.
- Subject must be recognizable as the same person in each photo.
- For skin care results makeup may be used as long as it does not alter the impact of the results.
- Market Partners may not use “stock” photos to advertise, sell, or offer to sell MONAT products.
- Market Partners must be able to defend the origin and appearance of all posts.