February 20, 2020
Healthy Ambition & Why You Need It

We all know someone—and it may even be YOU—who is just filled to the brim with ambition! You know the type…a passionate, goal-oriented go-getter with a strong desire and drive to reach their dreams no matter what it takes.
But all that hustle can sometimes work against you if you don’t keep your ambition focused on the positive and on the healthy side.
Healthy ambition is key when working toward goals! Unhealthy ambition on the other hand, can lead you straight down the road into Burnout Town. Not only mentally, but physically. It’s always best to avoid unhealthy behaviours in business—because chances are, this will only lead to failure and even burnout.
Check out the difference between the good, the bad, and the burnout—and see where you stand!
Healthy Ambition
- Practices humility
- Has something to offer
- Practices gratitude
- Has nothing to prove
- Is open to new ideas from others
Unhealthy Ambition
- Feels entitled
- Selfish and threatened by the success of others
- Takes on responsibilities without knowing why
- Lacks gratitude
- Does not celebrate the success of others
Avoiding Burnout
- Actively manage your time
- Learn how to manage stress
- Get more exercise and fresh air
- Give yourself time to breathe
- Spend some screen-free time: no phone, no laptops, no tv, etc.
- Self-care is key
Are you on the right track of Healthy Ambition? Take some time to evaluate where you stand in your business and career and see where you can improve and continue to grow!